Emily integrates different techniques into treatments as required for the individual.
Acupuncture has been in practise for over 2000 years in Asia and it is based on the principle that our energy or “qi” flows along meridians or channels in our bodies. Any blockage or disruption to the flow of qi can result in illness or pain. The aim of acupuncture treatment is to restore balance to the body by the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into acupuncture points.
Records show that moxibustion, or moxa, has been in use for even longer than acupuncture! The technique involves burning a dried herb called mugwort and using it to apply heat to the body in various ways. The moxa can be applied directly to the skin or indirectly by warming a stick near the body, or on an acupuncture needle.
Guasha translates to “scraping” and the technique involves using a curved, smooth edged tool to scrape the skins surface after oil has been applied. Guasha increases the circulation of qi and blood to the area which can help release tension, therefore alleviating pain. Guasha can leave some marks in the area which fade after a few days.
Glass or plastic cups are attached to the skin using suction, and the cups may stay in place for 10 minutes or moved around an area, such as the back. Similar to guasha, the technique increases the circulation of qi and blood to an area which releases muscular tension and encourages relaxation.
Acupressure is a technique that uses the same points as acupuncture but without needles. Instead, pressure is applied to specific points on the body to promote healing and relieve discomfort. During treatments, I may use acupressure as part of your therapy. Additionally, I may teach you how to locate and stimulate these points yourself, empowering you to continue care at home.